I'm Fizan Mohammed Shareef

Full Stack Web-Developer

College : Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering
Branch : Information Science & Engineering
Age : 21 years old
Email : mohammedfizan08email@gmail.com
Phone : +91 7026848797
About me

An Information Science & Engineering student with basic knowledge of programming & problem solving, Interested in learning emerging technologies and eager to work with engineers to gain industry experience, looking for a job that would help improve professional and domain skills and dedicate the skills acquired for the overall benefit of the organization.

My Skills





C Programming







My Projects

Student Result Management System


The Student Result Analysis is a web-based project designed to manage and analyze student results and students rank. It also has additional modules to calculate the student SGPA and Student CGPA. Its primary purpose is to reduce manual errors and convert the result system into a computerized system. The project includes a performance report generator that generates reports by year, branch, section, and subject, saving time and effort. The tool assists teachers in analyzing results and generating reports with a single click, allowing students to view their academic performance. It is a user-friendly web application accessible from any location, and it centralizes data management. The system is beneficial for students, teachers, and college administration, as it improves educational quality and student performance while increasing productivity. The project is divided into two categories, admin and student. The admin module offers various features like adding, deleting, and updating student and class information. The student module offers features like displaying marksheet, displaying Class rank, calculating student SGPA and CGPA and downloading student marksheet.

Sign Language Tutor


Sign language Tutor helps people to learn sign language using Image processing & Machine learning. Communication involves the exchange of information, ideas or feelings between individuals, and typically requires a shared language to be understood. However, deaf and mute individuals rely on sign language to communicate with both each other and non-disabled individuals. Unfortunately, many non-disabled individuals do not recognize the importance of sign language, and may not possess the necessary knowledge and understanding of it to communicate effectively with deaf and mute individuals. Learning sign language can be a challenging task that requires practice and patience, and may be best accomplished through formal instruction or practice with someone who is fluent in sign language. To address this challenge, a software tool is being developed that uses machine learning and image processing to help users learn sign language more efficiently. This software displays an alphabet or phrase on the screen and prompts the user to demonstrate the corresponding hand sign in front of a camera. The software then uses various techniques and algorithms to convert the hand sign into text and compares it to the text displayed on the screen. If the user's sign is correct, the software progresses to the next alphabet or phrase; if not, the user receives an error message and is prompted to try again. This innovative tool has the potential to greatly enhance communication between deaf and mute individuals and non-disabled individuals, making it easier for all parties to understand one another more accurately and efficiently. .

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Website Designed by Fizan in 2023